Reworking Schedules And Staying on Track Mentally

Schedules are funny things. You can look at them and think, man I can do that! Do or die time! LET’S GO! But sometimes the reality can be quite different. I had given myself a pretty ambitious goal of finishing the book in eight weeks and then taking the month of September to work adjustments and all of that. Seemed good, I was doing pretty well with it. Then I got sick and well… That’s how it goes.

I did take some time and really think about a few things that I think might be helpful for all of you working towards a goal on a project that is bigger in scale.

1) Remember This Is Supposed To Be Fun:

I can honestly say I have had the most fun in my life working on a project working on this book.  It’s been great!  There are times when I am working that I really think to myself, I am making something I will always be proud of and really do believe others will have a lot of fun with as well.  But somewhere along the way, the end got in sight and that became my obsession.  I have been working on this book for about a year now and I am very much anxious to see the book done and able to experience it finally.  While not a bad ambition, it was certainly draining me of the fun I was having.  It became more about workload than enjoying the book and the process.  Don’t let the process zap all fun from the work.  Being professional and working through a process is important, but one wonders what you lose in the energy of the project if you can’t keep grounded in that initial bit of creative fun that got you there in the first place.

2.) Remember What The First and Foremost Goal Is: A Great Product

One thing that impressed on me a great deal was that I had gotten so consumed with finishing (still am) that I forgot I have two things that should be taking into account.  First I have no set deadline.  So any deadline I set is arbitrary and nonbinding.  I can get upset with myself for missing it but I haven’t let down a publisher or somethinge.  Second, since I don’t have that deadline on me and I no publisher, more than anything my goal ought to be to make as great a book as I can.  Because a finished book that is only so so, does me no good.  But a great book that is finished, could do a whole lot in the end.  So I really had to keep my heart and mind focused on, yes reaching the end, but the real end is a sensational graphic novel. 

I took those two big lessons and reworked things and while my ultimate end date goal is and had been October, I have decided to create a work flow that is still ambitious but will keep us steadily on track up until October.  All along the way I am hoping to keep workig adjustments in hopes that will all shake out so that I have my finished book by October 1st. 

I’m telling you all, the process of making a book and keeping it all together and simply managing the workload has been the biggest learning experience.  I feel like book 2 will run much more smoothly because of the lessons I learned on this first volume.  It’s been a blast and I go to bed tired, but so excited about the book I am bringing to a close.

2 thoughts on “Reworking Schedules And Staying on Track Mentally”

  1. Yeaaaa! Book production sorta nearly killed me and I definitely want to give myself even more time in the future. As much as I didn’t want it to, things really got crazy towards my deadline. I’m learning from everything though and hope I can definitely do better for Vol. 2.

    Also man, your stuff is so neat!

  2. Yeah it was getting crazy in a hurry. Still is but it feels managable now. Download that spreadsheet I made. I think it will really help you! And thank you so much for your kind words! 🙂 I hope I’m making something really great!

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