"Lost" Finale and "Kevin and Golden Temple"

Another year of “Lost” has come and gone. Only one more season remains. “Lost” is without a doubt my favorite show of all time. I first encountered it right before I got married about four years ago. At the time I didn’t watch much TV at all (not a bad thing btw). Mostly because I was a senior in college and had little time to begin with. But I saw a trailer in the theater for it as it was coming out on DVD and I became intrigued. I bought the first season and watched all of it in about two weeks. The rest is history.

I constantly find myself being inspired by it at the end of every episode to work on my own stories and push my work further. The writing and production is so above the bar on every aspect that anyone who really gives it time can see this thing has changed storytelling in the TV format forever.

Last night’s finale did what I was hoping for all year long, it brought in the element of mystery the rest of the season had been lacking for the whole year. Everything sort of shifted to a answer mode for the season and while that is what I think we were all hoping for, I enjoy the “wait what?” aspect of this show immensely. I don’t know how this thing is gonna work next year. Well done gentlemen. Well done. Next year will be sad seeing it go off the air. Maybe afterward I’ll get more done. At least “Fringe” is just starting.

The above is a quick sample of the short story I’m working on for an upcoming anthology called “Kevin and The Golden Temple.” Can’t reveal too much yet, but suffice it to say, it’s going to be quite different than anything I’ve created yet and should really be fun. More on that as it approaches.