Kevin And The Golden Temple

I finally finished my first pass at my serialized short story called “Kevin and the Golden Temple.” It’s pretty exciting to see it locked and the realization of a simple story idea I had years ago come into something pretty fun and exciting. I’m still workingin one possible page to help flesh out a few ideas.

Other than that From Death Til Now is continuing its clip to the end. There’s only maybe ten pages left to draw and then begins the process of doing all of the computer shading. Again, if any of you artists out there have time and want to help, please let me know. I am looking for some volunteers.

The Unknowns is still on the burner for now, but I’ve been rereading my script and thinking a lot work can still be done (surprise right?). I mainly think the ideas could be fleshed out a bit more when it comes to the characters themselves. It feels like it could have a few more quiet moments in it. As it stands it feels a bit like a roller coaster, which is good I suppose. I suspect many changes will still come to mind. Eventually though you got to lock things down and believe you’ve written the best thing you could. Well, more work ahead I guess. 🙂